Inspire with Videos

This is Gary.

This is Gary. He frequently goes to a place called the Center at Blessed Sacrament, which is a homeless community center that I volunteer weekly at. He spends a lot of time drawing. One day while hanging out on the streets, Gary, was approached by some guys who wanted to make his drawings into t-shirts. They are now in the process of making it happen. Gary is a great guy and I am honored to have captured his quote.

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By |October 5th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

Pay It Forward

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By |October 5th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

The Most Astounding Fact – Neil deGrasse Tyson

One of the most famous ‪#‎astrophysicists‬, Dr. ‪#‎NeilDeGrasseTyson‬ was once asked, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?”

This is his answer.


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By |September 29th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

Henry David Thoreau

I went on this retreat and met Sam. We found out that we both lived on Franklin Ave, and both shared the same middle name, like the street we live on, Franklin. We both got our middle name from our grandmothers. Our grandmother shared the same name, Francis, as well. We also found out we went to the same high school and were a year apart, but never met.

All I can say is WOW!!! Sam is also a great photographer. You can check out his work at

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By |September 25th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

The Journey Begins

My name is Tim Schwartz and I’m just a regular 34 year old dude who drives a happy Prius. Come follow the journey of my life and catch up on the most inspiring news and videos from the internet. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly doses of inspiration.

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By |September 24th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

9-year-old Discusses The Meaning of Life and the Universe

This kid is wise beyond his years!!

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By |September 14th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

Reclaim Your Mind – Terrence McKenna

Terence McKenna is an American esoteric philosopher, psychonaut, ethnobotanist, lecturer, and author. He spoke and wrote about a variety of subjects, including psychedelic drugs, plant-based entheogens,  shamanism, metaphysics, alchemy, language, culture, technology, and the theoretical origins of human consciousness.

In this video Terence McKenna gives amazing insight and advice to live a better life. I believe the world could benefit from more free thinkers like him.

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By |August 31st, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

A Message For All Of Humanity – Charlie Chaplin

The final speech from “The Great Dictator.” If this doesn’t inspire you to do great things for this world, then I don’t know what will.

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By |August 31st, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

A Path To New Beginning Starts Within You

Prince EA is an American rapper and activist, known for discussing on topics like politics, sociality, environmentalism and life issues. This video touches upon many of the problems of present day society, but also gives a real  and basic solution to make the world a better place: LOVE.

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By |August 26th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|

Occupy Wall St: The Revolution is Inspiring!


Occupy Wall St can be fun. Here are some inspiring moments of the movement.

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By |August 24th, 2015|Inspire with Videos|